Thursday, November 3, 2011


As you've probably picked up, I'm an old radio guy and enjoy throwing in song lyrics now and then. The title of this entry is from the great Beatles song, Paperback Writer, and the next line says, "It took me years to write--will you take a look?"

As a publisher, I receive several queries a week from prospective authors, and all assure me they will absolutely bust their backsides to make my investment in them profitable (were I to publish them). I certainly don't doubt their sincerity, but it takes a great deal of hard work from everyone involved in the publication of any book for it to be successful. John Evans, the owner of Lemuria Books in Jackson, Mississippi has said this to me often: "One book at a time." He's talking about selling them, not so much me writing them. And he's exactly right. My authors and I have spoken to gatherings as large as several hundred on occasion; we've also spoken (often) to groups of 5-10 people. It's my opinion that those events, if you do enough of them, are where the author really begins to build a fan base because of the personal connection you make with folks in a small group.

I'll be in Hattiesburg, Mississippi this Saturday, November 5 from 12pm-4pm at Books A Million, and I'll return to my hometown of Starkville, Mississippi the following day to be part of a multi-author Christmas Open House event at The Book Mart from 1-4pm. Have to make sure to get the oil changed in the Bookmobile.

Oh, and remember the log truck that made me late for my visit to the library in Raleigh, Mississippi recently?

Enjoy your visit to Oakdale!

The Bookshelf in Ridgeland, Mississippi is a locally-owned store owned by my friends Danny and Lisa Perry and managed during the week by Danny's delightful mom, Lana. Below is a picture of me with my buddy Jim Griffin, who very kindly gets copies of my books as soon as they're available.

Nothing better than loyal friends wanting to read my books.

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