I spoke Thursday evening at 5 p.m. at the Robinson Memorial Library in Raleigh, Mississippi and called librarian Sherri Harris a few minutes before start time to give her an update: I was one of about a gazillion vehicles puttering along behind a log truck a few minutes outside town. The driver wasn't actually headed to the library, although he got within one block of my destination before turning onto another highway and slowing down a few other folks. I've gotten stuck behind plenty of log trucks in my lifetime, but that's the first time one has ever been responsible for me being late for a book event. No worries, though. Sherri and the members of her book club are very nice (as well as avid readers), and we had a good laugh over it.
I cranked up the BookMobile and headed for the Gulf Coast first thing Friday morning, watching the sun rise as I headed to the McIlwain Public Library in Gautier. I was the featured author at the annual used book sale and met some very nice people.
I'm so hungry I could eat a sandwich this big! |
This nice lady from Germany will plunge into the Oakdale series with a signed copy of JUDGMENT DAY. |
With author Daisy Karam-Read (FROM MANHATTAN TO MISSISSIPPI, and THE LOVE AFFAIR CONTINUES) and Gautier librarian Randy Smith |
I'm asked about digital downloads at every talk these days and the impact they've had on what I do as an author and publisher. In terms of availability, my novel, THE MAGNOLIA TRIANGLE, is available for download if you have a Kindle. The same is true of the most recent John M. Floyd collection of short stories, CLOCKWORK. My new novel, THE LONG ROAD HOME, will be available for download on Kindle very soon. Plans are to go back and offer the other great Floyd collections (RAINBOW'S END and MIDNIGHT) and my first Oakdale book, JUDGMENT DAY, on Kindle, as well as all future Dogwood Press titles. Have a great day!
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