I'm normally not a fan of unloading and breaking down palettes of books (it makes my back hurt). But I've never been as glad to see a delivery truck as I was last Friday when the first printing of Randy Pierce's Missy arrived. That goes double for the excitement of cracking open the first box and holding a copy of a new Dogwood Press title in my hand. I'm always like a little kid on Christmas morning when our books get here, but this shipment's arrival--amid a pandemic we continue to suffer through--was a moment I'll savor. Maybe because it felt so normal. I'll take all the normal I can get right now.
This pic went right on the Dogwood Press Facebook page. I may put it in a frame.
For right now, the sum total of Randy's tour schedule is a stop next Monday, October 5, from 5-7 p.m. at Leakesville United Methodist Church in Greene County, Mississippi (where Missy and two of his other novels are set). We are quite serious about safety precautions at this one, and masks will be worn with social distancing strictly observed. Randy will be masked-up the entire time. He can't wait to see you, though, and he and I are both so grateful for the excitement we're hearing from all who are planning to attend. As with everything else right now, we can make it work if we're patient and careful.
Can't wait for you to read this wonderful novel! |
It was great to visit with John Floyd in person yesterday for the first time in quite a while. His wonderful book of humorous poetry, Lighten Up A Little, may have slipped between the cracks in your reading purchases, because the sum total of Floyd book events to support the book is zero. We're selling through the Dogwood Press website, through Lemuria Books of Jackson, Mississippi, and Amazon. If you love John's great short stories but have held back about buying a book of his poetry, let me assure you that the hallmarks of John's work (versatility, humor, and clever wordplay) are there. You'll love it!
Masks were only off for the photo! |
We'll keep you updated regarding virtual events for Randy and John. Meantime, I can't wait for the release of Cradle in the Oak, the wonderful debut novel by Coast-based Mississippi author Candy Wheeler. She and I have had multiple discussions about how her book launch will unfold, and by spring 2021 we may still be wearing masks and standing six feet from each other. Trust me, we will be safe while putting our creative heads together. There will be virtual events, of course, as well as in-person visits to book clubs and any venues where there's enough comfort for people to gather.
Six months away from this must-read!
Visit the Dogwood Press website at dogwoodpress.com as soon as you can to order copies of Missy and Lighten Up A Little. Our orders are often filled and shipped the same day, meaning you'll have your purchase (which will be signed by the author) in just a couple of days. With so many folks at home, wouldn't a book or two make a great Christmas gift for the readers on your shopping list?
And while we can't autograph downloads, we know a whole lot of people do their pleasure reading on a device. If that's you, know that Lighten Up A Little is now available for purchase on Amazon Kindle for only $6.99! You won't be able to stop grinning and laughing.
Thanks, as always, for your time. Be well, stay safe, and happy reading!