No, I'm not directing a movie scene or television show. Just trying to illustrate, with that oft-used Hollywood stage directive, the magnitude of a book launch. Many months have gone into the preparation and planning, and walking into that first venue, bookstore or otherwise, is a huge thrill as well as being a little scary. Will anyone like it? If you write, and don't ask yourself that at least once, you may not have a pulse. Is anyone coming? Been there! See previous response.
October was a very busy month as we launched two outstanding books, beginning with Valerie Winn's The Dance Between. After our central Mississippi kickoff at Lemuria in Jackson, she returned to Pink Rooster Art Gallery in Ocean Springs for her Gulf Coast debut. In addition to living in the area, Valerie teaches art at the venue and has a huge following there. Not surprisingly, there was a great turnout for her second book.
You'll have to read the book to understand the coffee can and monkey.
Soon-to-be Dogwood Press author Janet Brown joining Valerie at Lemuria.
The John M. Floyd tour for The Barrens began at Lemuria two weeks from the afternoon Valerie was there. It was a beautiful thing to see the throng of John's friends and former creative writing students who stood in line and waited for him to autograph their purchases, and it was great to hear how many of them mentioned the fine review of the book in the previous day's Clarion Ledger, the daily newspaper that serves central Mississippi.
This is what you hope for at a book launch!
 John with mega-talented illustrator Chuck Galey, one of John's former students.
 Can you save me a seat?
Molly May made several stops during October--Breast Cancer Awareness month--to promote My Crowning Achievement (Beating Cancer). If you don't have a copy yet, here are two things to consider: 1)...a portion of proceeds from EVERY COPY SOLD will benefit Batson Children's Hospital in Jackson and Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, and 2)...the book remains priced under $9 at Amazon! What a deal! Order a copy of Molly's inspirational memoir now for someone whose life has been affected by cancer.
Well worth your time.
 Molly at First Baptist Church of Fulton, Mississippi, during a Breast Cancer Awareness luncheon.
Susan Cushman led a writing workshop at Novel, a neat little bookstore in Memphis, and gave a pair of talks as well as overseeing a critique session of the students' manuscripts. Talk about an education you can't get in a textbook--Susan is the editor of the excellent Southern Writers on Writing from University Press of Mississippi, and a year ago Dogwood Press published her very good debut novel Cherry Bomb. In addition to the instruction, each attendee received a signed book.
You never know ... one or more of these writers may be household names one day!
I'm really looking forward to a free seminar I'll give at Lorelei Books of Vicksburg, Mississippi, on December 6 at 5:30 p.m. We'll start with a reading from my recent novel 40 Days before I put on the publisher's hat and discuss what I'm looking for when considering queries from writers--how to go about getting in touch (and what not to do), and how you can make your best impression on any literary agent, acquisition editor, or small publisher like me.
Upcoming events include Valerie signing TODAY at Aston Court Retirement Community in McComb, Mississippi, this afternoon at 1:00, which should be great fun because Valerie grew up in McComb and her father still lives there. You can meet John Floyd and pick up a signed copy of The Barrens this Saturday, November 10, at Books A Million of Meridian, and Molly will visit Evans Memorial Library of Aberdeen on November 14. John and I will be part of the annual multi-author holiday book signing at The Book Mart and Cafe in Starkville on Sunday, November 18.
And, since we've gotten such good response to our download special, it continues for a limited time! Grab any or all of these terrific Dogwood Press offerings for your Kindle right now for just $4.99!
JOHN M. FLOYD / Dreamland
JOE LEE / 40 Days
RANDY PIERCE / The Peter Bay
VALERIE WINN / Forsaking Mimosa
That's everything happening in the land of The Little Publisher That Could! I always appreciate your time, and all of us would love to see you at an upcoming book event. Visit for signing schedules and information. Have a wonderful day!