I launched my new Oakdale suspense novel,
Last Chance Texaco, at The Book Mart in Starkville, Mississippi, on September 27 and at Lemuria in Jackson on October 6. Had a great time at both and saw lots of old friends. The Lemuria signing was on a Saturday afternoon, and being the football fan that I am, I should have known that many of my friends would be at the games or parked in front of their TV sets. But nearly everyone who couldn't make it has gotten a book since then or pledged to attend another signing down the road. Reviews of the new book have been very kind, and there was a neat question/answer interview conducted by Susan O'Bryan that ran in
The Clarion Ledger on September 30.
That's my friend Regina Fowler proudly wearing her Mississippi State colors and even came to Lemuria during the football game! She generously buys books for herself, her mother, and her mother-in law. |
My old friend (and college professor) Dr. Bob Anderson. As I remind him often, Mississippi State University has yet to name any academic scholarships or buildings after me. But it's always good to see him. |
My friend Dave Berry and me. He, along with Noraine Moree, co-authored the excellent non-fiction book, White Shirts, earlier this year. It was great to see both of them at Lemuria.
The BookMobile is gassed up and ready to go...I'll sign at Books A Million in Meridian, Mississippi, this Saturday at 12pm. I'll be on WTOK-TV in that city the previous day (Friday, October 12) on the morning show. The interview should hit around 6:15, and I'll put my hair on and my teeth in and try to sound halfway coherent. On Saturday, October 20, I'll sign at 1pm at Books A Million in Hattiesburg.
And I'll be on the Cyrus Webb "Conversations" radio program at 12pm on Tuesday, October 16. Look up Cyrus on Facebook for the web site and listen to the streaming audio if you're near a computer then.
One cancellation: I was to speak at the library in Raleigh, Mississippi, tonight (October 11), and that was postponed because it was announced that the Raleigh High School Homecoming Parade was not only scheduled for the same night, it was set to start at the exact same time as my talk. Since approximately 100% of the book club members in Raleigh will be at the parade, the librarian and I figured it would be in our best intereste to reschedule!!!
Valerie Winn is still speaking and traveling and signing books. If you haven't read Forsaking Mimosa, you're missing a real treat! She'll sign at the Peter Anderson Festival in Ocean Springs the weekend of November 3-4 and would love to meet you!
Nobody dresses up a signing table like Valerie! |
Don't forget that the new John M. Floyd short story collection, Deception, is only six months away! John has already been booked to sign copies at his hometown library in Kosciusko, Mississippi, on April 24, 2013, and we will lock in a signing date at Lemuria around that time before long.
And a reminder to download my son's book, The Legend of Roger. If you're looking for something fun for your middle-schooler to read, this is it...lots of action, adventure, and humor, and it's budget-priced at
only $4.99 for Amazon Kindle users! Visit Amazon today and surprise your child with it tonight!
Perfect for the middle-schooler in your life! |